Municipal Palace – Town Hall
Palacio Municipal
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The Town Hall, constructed towards the end of the 19th century, boasts neoclassical balconies and segmental arches that can be seen all the way from the Parque Central. On the inside, the figure of Belisario Domínguez adorns the center of the garden. On the wall as you go up the stairs, the mural Génesis e Historia de los Hombres del Maíz (Genesis and History of the Maize Men) by the painter Manuel Suasnávar Pastrana stands out. This work tells the story of Chiapas, from the moment of the creation of the “Maize Man” (Halach Uinic), all the way until Belisario Domínguez tragic fate.
Presidencia Municipal de Comitán, Centro Histórico, Centro, Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas, México
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