Destino Magical Town Magical Town

Nombre de Dios

Soak up the scenery along the Tunal river, the awe-inspiring waterfalls, forests of ancient cypress trees, and fascinating religious sites.

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Current weather clear sky 20
Humidity 12%

Services in Nombre de Dios

What Makes It Magical 

The area is filled with waterfalls, natural pools, and tree-lined streams. There’s also numerous church towers, which first rang out the call to prayer in this corner of Durango. 

Why You Should Go 

Its Colonial Churches 

  • Templo de San Francisco, a remarkable piece of 16th-century religious architecture. It is the oldest Catholic church in northwest Mexico
  • Templo de Jesús Nazareno, whose door adorned with little angels immediately brings to mind sacred art from Michoacán. 
  • Three more churches: Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol from 1790Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, and Capilla de la Purísima Concepción

At the Very Least 

  • Ex Hacienda de Juana Guerra Ranch 
  • Local museum Museo Comunitario Contalpa  
  • El Saltito Falls, Los Berros natural pool, and La Constancia park 

Don’t Miss 

  • Explore Los Salones, a park filled with towering cypresses. 
  • Dig into Doña Aleja’s stuffed gordita corn cakes
  • Sample local preserves, candied fruit, fruit wines, and craft beer.