
Biocultural Reserve of the Puuc Area

Reserva Biocultural del Puuc

The archeological site Kiuic is set in the center of this biocultural reserve. This Mayan city developed between the years 800 B.C. and 800 A.D., in the Classic Period of the Maya.

Mayan towns, archeological sites, caves, and a great diversity of plant and animal life live in this biocultural reserve established in 2011. It encompasses Muna, Oxkutzcab, Santa Elena, Tekax, and Ticul municipalities, coming to a total of 134,000 hectares. The reserve was created to protect and promote the responsible use of the environmental services offered to society. Currently, it works to preserve jaguars, their prey, and the remnants of the Puuc rainforest.

Whoever is interested in exploring this part of Mayan territory will be able to hike trails through the rainforest, bird-watch, and spend time with its Mayan communities and their archeological legacy. In the very heart of the reserve are cabins open to visitors and researchers.





Maní, Yuc., México

See map