Destino Magical Town Magical Town

Villa del Carbón

Discover the remains of an Otomí town that was flooded by a dam. Witness charro culture at its best. Shop for handmade ankle boots.

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Humidity 82%

Services in Villa del Carbón

What Makes It Magical

Surrounded by mountains and lush vegetation, the quiet, colonial atmosphere of this Magical Town invites you to stroll through its cobblestone streets among red-tile roofs and kick back at one of its ecotourism centers.

Why You Should Go

The Leather Goods

  • The town is considered the world capital of ankle boots, with a more than hundred-year-old tradition making the footwear.
  • Boots are tailor-made for clients using traditional methods: designed, cut, mounted, and glued by hand. They follow the guidelines of the Mexican Charrería Federation.
  • There are more than 50 workshops producing thousands of shoes a week.
  • At El Pial, they made the boots used by Antonio Banderas in El Zorro. They’ve also produced footwear for renowned toreadors and mounted bullfighters like Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza.

At the Very Least

Check out the workshops where they make leather goods. One suggestion is El Pial, where owner Don Arturo has fascinating stories to tell you.

Don’t Miss

  1. Witnessing the charro (Mexican rodeo) tradition on the weekend.
  2. Enjoying a boat ride on the Taxhimay Reservoir.
  3. A visit to Casa del Recuerdo de Ofe.