Enjoy Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco as a Family
More than a thousand years are reflected in this 408-acre park designed by Mexican landscape architect Mario Schjetnan.

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This project that wrapped up in 1993 aimed to reclaim the area’s cultural and environmental values. Its design incorporated measures to prevent the degradation of the water system and the restoration of native plants and wildlife, including chinampa gardens.
All in all, the park encompasses wetlands, temperate forest, chinampas, and an aquatic ecosystem. Visitors can ride bikes, walk the trails, canoe, and row on its lake.
The park has been overhauled and re-opened in summer 2021. Work included rehabilitating the lake system, green space maintenance, reforestation, trail maintenance and creation, lighting, and more.
The park was part of the area declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO in 1987.
Schjetnan, its architect, won several awards for the park, such as an Honorable Mention in the III Bienal de Arquitectura Mexicana (III Biennial of Mexican Architecture) in 1994, the Prince of Wales / Green Prize in Urban Design from Harvard University in 1996, and more.
Xochimilco Ecological Park, Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco, Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
See map